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At Great Sampford Primary School the children follow the National Curriculum programmes of study, which cover the broad categories of Number, Measurement, Geometry and Statistics.

Children in EYFS follow the Early Years Framework working towards the early learning goals for ‘number’ and ‘number patterns’.

Daily lessons are broadly based on the White Rose schemes, amended to suit the particular needs of learners. Lessons regularly mix fluency with problem solving and reasoning activities.

Teaching of number in school follows the school calculation policy. This develops children from practical equipment, to mental methods, to informal written methods to full written methods.

Lessons develop understanding by progressing from using concrete materials (such as numicon or dienes) to visual representations on to abstract representations.

Children complete regular, short arithmetic sessions to engrain fluency in number calculation.

Children are encouraged to use  appropriate mathematical vocabulary when appropriate.

Teachers model the use of  technical vocabulary within lessons.

Where children require assistance to aid their understanding, they are supported through focus groups in lessons and regular interventions.

Teachers are encouraged to involve the school environments for learning and to develop understanding through practical activities.